Liu Xue 薛柳
Software QA Engineer / Traveler, San Jose | 软件测试工程师/驴友,圣荷塞
Today I’ve lived longer in the US than I had in China, and the time I think in English exceeds the time I think in Chinese. I can say I’m getting more American than Chinese, and I feel grateful for the opportunities and freedom that I have in the US.
I like traveling, prior to the pandemic I’d traveled to 39 countries.
The Chinese saying goes “reading ten thousands of books is like traveling thousands of miles”, but for me traveling thousands of miles is more eye-opening than reading ten thousands of books. From tropical rainforests to glaciers, from Amazon to The Great Barrier Reef, from Iceland to Malaysia, every scenery, every country, every culture has its own magical beauty. The world is huge, people in different countries or regions have completely different lifestyles; yet all the different people share the same humanities and feelings, because we are all the same species called homo sapiens, sharing approximately 99.9% of our genetic code with one another.
However it’s saddening whenever there are differences there are conflicts, whether it’s racism or religious fights or wars….now the pandemic barely finished yet, Russia already invaded Ukraine, the atrocity is unbearable…. If everyone goes out to see the world, every country opens to the outside, if people and countries can accept the differences and focus on the commonality with one another, humans will understand and tolerate each other more, this world would be more peaceful, there would be no wars.
我喜欢旅游,到瘟疫爆发之前我去了39个国家。 中国人说读万卷书行千里路,对我来说行千里路比读万卷书要更开眼界。从热带雨林到冰海雪原,从亚马逊到大堡礁,从冰岛到马来西亚,每一道风景每一个国家每一种文化都有它的美妙之处。世界很大,不同国家地区的人有着天差地别的生活方式;然而这么多不同的人却又分享着共同的人性与情感,其实世界又很小,因为我们都是同一个人类物种homo sapiens, 99.9%的基因都是相同的。
然而可悲的是世界上只要有差异就会有冲突,种族歧视,宗教争端,政体斗争…眼下瘟疫还没结束,俄罗斯就向乌克兰发起侵略战争,狂轰滥炸, 惨无人道,是人类文明的倒退。如果每个人都出去看看世界,每个国家都开放交流,如果人与人之间,国家与国家之间能求同存异,人类会更加相互包容理解,这个世界会更美好和谐,就不会有战争。