Hongming Liu
Attorney / Comedian, Pleasanton
I have always been a shy and timid person. Sometimes I wonder what I would do if I had a heart of a lion. I would probably eat it. (I am Chinese) However people think I am courageous especially after watching my stand up routine. That is why I want to share this story that gave me a glimpse of the secret of courage.
I grew up in a small town in Jianyang, Fujian(Southeast part of China). When I was five or six years old, one of my favorite activities was going to the only candy stand with a group of playmates. However, we were all super scared of the lady at the candy stand. If we had seen the Seinfeld episode of the Soup Nazi, we would definitely named this lady Candy Nazi. A mere look from her could cause a stampede of our whole group. One day I was alone and I really wanted to get some candy. I mustered all my courage to face the Candy Nazi alone. Miraculous, I managed to get my candy without making eye contact. I should just run away but somehow I stayed. My face flushed under her scorching look, I stuttered with a weak but determined voice, “But, but, you gave me two extra dimes.”I will never forget how quickly this menacing lady melt before me. Everything about her became gentle and every bit of fear in me was gone. Although it took me years to articulate, that's the very moment the secret of courage was reviewed: speaking truth with kindness.
That is why I can be a timid person but courageous, as long as I am speaking truth with kindness.
我在福建建阳的一个小镇长大。在我五六岁时,和一群玩伴偶尔会到一个小摊位去买零食。我们都特别怕卖零食的那位中年大妈,她瞪一眼就可以让我们这一群小孩做鸟兽散。如果那时候知道Seinfeld电视剧里的凶狠的Soup Nazi(卖汤纳粹), 我们肯定叫她卖糖纳粹。有一天我落单了,鼓起勇气自己去买糖。买完了本应转身就跑,我却愣愣地站在那,红着脸,颤巍巍地说,”你,你,多找了我两毛钱。“ 我永远也不会忘记那一瞬间,如大厦倾塌,冰山消融,眼前哪还有凶狠,只有赞许和温存。懵懂地觉得,这个世界,如果卖糖纳粹都不可怕,还有什么可怕的呢。多年以后,才意识到,在那一刹那,勇气的秘密在我眼前闪过—善意地说出真相,世界都为你让道。