Cooking with your Heart's Delight


愉友们亲自上阵做美食大使,收湾区各个领域、各个社群的领袖们为学徒。教他们制作地道的中餐,分享中华美食背后的文化和故事。 我们谈笑风生,也可能忙乱搞砸。 一大波不同族裔的本地吃货们正在赶来围观。他们迫切的想要了解地道的中餐文化。希望你能成为下一个美食大使!

Serial 1

Cooking with Our Local Leaders

Come cheer on two couples Helen and Kendrick, and Mike and Lisa! This is our premiere show where a patent examiner will teach a director at Apple how to cook homemade Chinese food and a stay-at-home mom with a background in HR will teach a family law attorney how to mix up a refreshing cocktail. Let's see what happens!

Serial 2

Cooking with Veggielution

Thanks to Veggielution for inviting us to participate in this wonderful project! Some of the highlights were: working side-by-side with the awesome volunteers from Veggielution, Assemblymember Alex Lee stopping by to support us, people learning to use chopsticks for the first time in our demo, and sharing good food with a diverse group of 150 people! It turned out people were happy to try century eggs(皮蛋)!

Serial 3

Cooking Challenge Demo

We are delighted to participate in Chopsticks Alley's Cooking Challenge program at the Mosaic America festival! Local chefs Alynn Nguyễn and James Yin made cultural dishes with common food pantry donations to highlight San Jose's diverse communities. Taste of Home is presented by Chopsticks Alley Art in partnership with San Jose's Creative Ambassador and artist Cynthia Cao.

About Taste of Home:

Community partners: Starting Arts, Veggielution, Society of Heart's Delight 愉园社, Mosaic America, School of Arts & Culture @MHP