Fan Wu 吴帆

Author, San Jose | 作家,圣何塞

Many years ago, I came to the US as a graduate student at Stanford University. My English was so poor then that I could barely converse with my classmates. Three months into my academic life, packed with endless readings and worries, I dreamt one night of my popo (grandma). She had helped my parents raise me and my brothers on a state-run farm in southern China. After I woke up, it struck me that popo had spoken English to me in my dream. She asked how I was doing and said she missed me. This dream made me feel happy and sad at the same time: happy because English had finally entered my subconscious world after all of my hard work in learning the language; sad because popo had not talked to me in her kejia dialect.

I cried after I woke up from the dream. I was homesick. I was uncertain about my future in a country where I was all alone. 

Fast forward to now, I am a writer who writes in both my mother tongue and my adopted language, and I often translate between the two. Sometimes they fight, and some other times they compliment each other. To me, Language is not merely a tool, but a way of thinking, a mindset laden with history and cultural values.  





Tianni Guo 郭恬妮