Victoria Zhang

Mathematician / Engineer / Writer, Saratoga

I have been a high achiever all my life. I went to the best schools, received a Ph.D., and afterward went on to work for leading software companies in Silicon Valley. As an employee, I was equally exemplary. I worked hard, tried my best to climb the corporate ladder, and in doing so, made a comfortable living and found my place in the world. Sometimes I feel lucky that what I want is perfectly aligned with what is valued by society. Only when I’m very honest with myself, do I admit that I’ve become so accustomed to chasing the achievements deemed valuable by society that I’ve often ignored my deeper inner needs.

When I decided to retire four years ago, many people were surprised. It was the first time my preference and society’s expectation are at odds and I let myself prevail. But I knew I would be ok. The world is so vast that plenty of things can be experienced and learned. I wanted to follow my heart and see where it would take me.

In these four years, I started two blogs, one in Chinese and one in English, took four courses in literature, art, and history, joined two non-profit organizations, made many interesting friends, and read more than 100 books. There are still many things I want to do but haven't gotten around to doing yet. Learning a foreign language, playing piano, picking up tennis, joining a choir, and becoming a master gardener, to name a few. Not to mention the pandemic has completely thwarted my travel plan.

I must confess I have become lazy after I quit my job. Efficiency has been thrown out of the window. Everything is done at a slower pace. After having worked hard for so many years, I should take time to decompress, I always tell myself. But after four years, perhaps it’s about time to start paying some attention to productivity again. I just have to constantly remind myself not to fall back into the mindset of an achievement-oriented rat on a running wheel.






Lin Shi


Yishan Xu 徐艺珊