Chiao-Yu Tuan

Software Engineer / Stand-up Comedian, San Jose

“Where are you from?” This seemingly straightforward question often puts me in a ponder. I’m born in Taiwan, but if I answer as such, the response is usually “But you don’t have a Taiwanese accent”. Well, that’s because I grew up in Beijing. And that’s why I like Beijing’s stir-fried dough bits, write simplified Chinese, and know Beijing’s subway system better than Taipei’s. Yet one time when I was in Taiwan, I spent 10 mins trying to explain to the cashier at 7-11 that I need printing service, because I asked for “da yin”, the mainland’s phrase for printing, instead of “lie yin”, the Taiwanese phrase. Thankfully my mom showed up to help with the translation.
To say I’m Beijingese doesn’t feel right either. I grew up in Beijing’s expat community, going to international schools. My classmates are all foreigners. Our lunch boxes included Korean kimchi, Japanese rice balls, Taiwanese minced pork and Italian pasta. In high school, I joined a student journalist club at the local newspaper, where I met locals who took me to finally try Beijing street food Rolling Donkey and Braised Offal.

When I was in Germany a few years ago, the guide at the English tour asked where everyone came from. I said the US. Partly because I didn’t feel like explaining why I didn’t join the Chinese tour group, and partly because I realized that, in a few more years, the U.S. will be the place I’ve lived the longest.

Yet, after over a decade of studying and working in the US, I sometimes still feel like I don’t quite fit in. Every year during the holiday seasons, my neighbors all put up holiday decorations, leaving my house oddly bare and out of place. During football season, I hear cheers from next door every now and then. Meanwhile, I cannot even name three football teams.

So from now on, if anyone asks me where I’m from, I will have to sing the Chinese folk song "Don’t ask me where I’m from, my home is far away…"






Rebecca Yan