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Welcome to join our fireside chat with Ann Ravel, the lead attorney of the landmark Google sexual misconduct lawsuit that is changing how women are protected in the workplace. She will share the story of the two year battle, highlights of the settlement, and implications for large companies in the Silicon Valley moving forward.
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Ann Ravel,著名律师。前联邦选举委员会主席。前美国司法部副总检察长,担任了11年圣克拉拉县政府首席法律顾问。Ann还数次荣获加州年度律师称号,也曾任加州律师协会理事会主席。她代理了两件联邦最高法院案件,其中一件是最高院审理的唯一一起女性职场平权案件;她在法庭挑战歧视婚姻平等的Pro 8,是加州推动同性婚姻合法化的主要律师之一。