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Tech for Good-Unleashing Tech Innovation Empowering Communities

  • The Society of Heart's Delight (map)

As it is widely recognized, immigrant tech professionals play a significant role in driving innovation and shaping the tech industry in Silicon Valley, contributing to global advancements on a daily basis. However, concerns have been raised by local residents who observe a lack of engagement and contribution from many immigrants towards our local community.

Here is where we step in! SHD is thrilled to announce a partnership with Social Entrepreneur Basecamp Silicon Valley for an exclusive three-day event aimed at addressing the challenges faced by our local nonprofits. We extend a warm invitation to Asian tech professionals to apply for participation. Likewise, if you represent a local nonprofit organization grappling with critical tech-related issues, we encourage you to reach out to us.,

Let us come together to bridge the gap, foster collaboration, and leverage the expertise of immigrant tech professionals to solve the pressing challenges faced by our local community. Your involvement is crucial in making a positive and lasting impact!

如果你是科技从业者、且想用科技为社会做些有价值的事情,欢迎报名今年9月15日-17日湾区线下的Tech for Good Basecamp。你将为湾区最知名的几家Nonprofit organization,从0到1打造Tech/AI-enhanced Solution!活动三天会现场组队破冰,斯坦福d. school老师将亲自带领专业的Design thinking培训,还会有很多大咖嘉宾,更会有和你一样优秀的参与者,绝对会成为你2023年参加过的最有价值的活动!活动名额有限,Rolling Basis录取,欢迎点击海报了解更多👇"

August 31

Addressing Systemic Racism: Examining the roots of systemic racism and discussing actions to combat it within organizations

October 1

Mosaic Festival: you are invited to Chinese tea ceremony and Mahjong