Min Zhou 周敏

Journalist / Documentary Filmmaker, San Jose

In the past year of 2023, I embarked on an 88-day journey outside the Bay Area to shoot three documentary films on Chinese history: "Where Abalone Abound," "My Fifty-eight Uncles," and "Born to Fly." During this time, I conducted interviews with over 30 individuals and delivered 10 speeches. Covering a distance of approximately 22,000 miles, equivalent to over 35,000 kilometers, my travels were akin to making nearly 16 round trips from Wuhan to Beijing. It was literally “running wildly”.

Fortunately, I was not alone in tracing these historical footsteps. My companions were exceptional photographers, diligent researchers, and tirelessly supportive partners. Additionally, many of the individuals I interviewed and the friends I encountered along the way became my staunchest supporters. They provided me with lodging, nourishment, encouragement, and assistance. They said, "Keep going, there's light ahead, sister." It was this collective encouragement, care, and support that propelled me through the year 2023.

Looking ahead, I am committed to more of my documentaries to audiences. No, it's not just my documentaries, but rather our documentaries as Chinese people—films we conceptualized, shot, and produced together. With each small step forward we take, history advances a little further.

在刚过去的2023年,为了拍摄华人历史纪录片《在那盛产鲍鱼的地方》、《我的58位叔叔》 和《生为蓝天》三部影片,我在湾区以外的地方跑了88天,采访了30多人,还做了10场演 讲。行程大约22000多英里,相当于35000多公里。如果以武汉到北京的距离来算,几乎 跑了16个来回,可以说是一路“狂奔”。 幸运的是,在这条寻找历史足迹的路上,我并不是一个独行者。我的同行者们是最棒的摄 影师、最勤奋的研究者和最任劳任怨的伙伴。还有很多我采访过的人,和途中遇到的朋友 ,他们成为了我最坚定的支持者。他们让我蹭吃蹭住,给我鼓励,帮我筹款。他们说:“姐 妹,往前走,你的前面有光。” 我就是这样被激励着,关心着,支持着,扶助着,走过 2023年。 未来,我会继续让大家看到我的新纪录片。不,是我们华人的纪录片——是我们一起构思 的、拍摄的、制作的纪录片。我们往前走一小步,历史就往前推动一小步。


Joyce Zhang


Mira Guan